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Thank you for your interest in the Villages Pops Orchestra!


We are a recreation club comprised of Villages residents who volunteer to perform several times a year.

Rehearsals are Tuesday mornings August through May at Laurel Manor Recreation Center.  Rehearsals are approximately two hours long. Regular attendance is expected.

All potential members must have at least high school level proficiency in their chosen instrument. Potential members will be invited to participate in several rehearsals. Once it is determined the player's ability are a good match with the orchestra's needs, the player will be formally invited to join the orchestra on a permanent basis.

To get an idea of the level of music the orchestra plays, click here to listen to excerpts from recent concerts.

As an orchestra, we are always interested in string players and we welcome new players to join us for a few rehearsals and hopefully as a member, as described above. Brass, woodwind and percussion instrumentalists are welcome as positions become available. Positions in percussion and tuba are now available and we welcome applicants, with the consent of the conductor.

If you would like to inquire about participating in a rehearsal on a trial basis, please contact our conductor, Fred Leder. His email is or phone (561) 302-6504

Our objective is to have fun doing what we love to do - making music together!

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